In a nullable enabled context, the compiler performs static analysis of code to determine the null-state of all reference type variables:
not-null: Static analysis determines that a variable has a non-null value.
maybe-null: Static analysis can't determine that a variable is assigned a non-null value.
Attributes can be aplied to our code that gives the compiler more information about the rules for your API. When calling code is compiled in a nullable enabled context, the compiler will warn callers when they violate those rules. These attributes don't enable more checks on your implementation.
Preconditions: AllowNull and DisallowNull
AllowNull: A non-nullable parameter, field, or property may be null.
DisallowNull: A nullable parameter, field, or property should never be null.
public string ScreenName
get => _screenName;
set => _screenName = value ?? GenerateRandomScreenName();
private string _screenName = GenerateRandomScreenName();
public string? ReviewComment
get => _comment;
set => _comment = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), "Cannot set to null");
string? _comment;
Postconditions: MaybeNull and NotNull
MaybeNull: A non-nullable parameter, field, property, or return value may be null.
NotNull: A nullable parameter, field, property, or return value will never be null.
[return: MaybeNull]
public T Find<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> predicate)
public static void ThrowWhenNull([NotNull] object? value, string valueExpression = "")
_ = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), valueExpression);
Conditional post-conditions: NotNullWhen, MaybeNullWhen, and NotNullIfNotNull
NotNullWhen: A nullable argument won't be null when the method returns the specified bool value.
MaybeNullWhen: A non-nullable argument may be null when the method returns the specified bool value.
NotNullIfNotNull: A return value, property, or argument isn't null if the argument for the specified parameter isn't null.
bool TryGetMessage(string key, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? message)
if (_messageMap.ContainsKey(key))
message = _messageMap[key];
message = null;
return message is not null;
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(url))]
string? GetTopLevelDomainFromFullUrl(string? url)
MemberNotNull and MemberNotNullWhen
MemberNotNull: The listed member won't be null when the method returns.
MemberNotNullWhen: The listed member won't be null when the method returns the specified bool value.
public class Container
private string _uniqueIdentifier; // must be initialized.
private string? _optionalMessage;
public Container()
public Container(string message)
_optionalMessage = message;
private void Helper()
_uniqueIdentifier = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
DoesNotReturn and DoesNotReturnIf
DoesNotReturn: A method or property never returns. In other words, it always throws an exception.
DoesNotReturnIf: A method or property never returns if the associated bool parameter has the specified value.
private void FailFast()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void SetState(object containedField)
if (containedField is null)
// containedField can't be null:
_field = containedField;